STAT Plus: Pharmalittle: House progressives seek to change Pelosi bill; shortage of a critical cancer drug for kids

Rise and shine, everyone, another busy day is on the way. We can tell because our shortest person dashed for the local schoolhouse, a leading indicator that there is much to be done, no matter your standing. So this means, of course, that we must once again fire up the coffee kettle and brew some cups of stimulation. This is a ritual, you know, and today we are reaching for cinnamon swirl. Please feel free to join us or, if you prefer, grab a bottle of water. Meanwhile, speaking of busy, here are some tidbits. Hope you have a smashing day …

A critical drug that serves as the backbone of treatment for most childhood cancers, including leukemias, lymphomas, and brain tumors, has become increasingly scarce, and doctors are warning that they may soon be forced to consider rationing doses, The New York Times tells us. Persistent shortages of certain drugs and medical supplies have plagued the U.S. for years, but physicians say the loss of this medication, vincristine, is uniquely problematic, as there is no appropriate substitute.

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