9 Home Remedies to Relieve Flu Symptoms January 14, 2021 American Council on Exercise Off add, alcohol, asthma, brain, brain health, chest pain, children, dehydration, diabetes, diet, early flu symptoms, Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat, flu, flu remedies, Flu shot, Health, Health Information, heart disease, home flu remedies, home remedies, honey, how long does the flu last, Human Health, hydration, immune system, infection, inflammation, Life Sciences, memory, muscle, muscle aches, muscle pain, nasal congestion, nasal spray, Natural Health News, Nutrition, pain, pneumonia, recovery, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, saline nasal spray, Science and Health, Science and Research, scratchy throat, seizure, sleep, sore throat, vaporizer, whole grains 000000000000Flu is a viral upper respiratory tract infection that can usually be diagnosed by its…