Scarlett McNally: Conferences can help talented clinical leaders to change the NHS

While travelling around the UK this conference season, I’ve been considering the differences between today’s conferences and those I attended over the 30 years before the covid pandemic. There’s palpable joy in watching people connect. Social media and the internet have helped to democratise knowledge, meaning that those who can’t attend in person can gatecrash electronically by following a hashtag, as presenters’ best slides and posters are displayed on social media.The difficult bit is what happens after the conference. What we learn feels good at the time, and it all makes sense. But then the detail fades, and we’re left with the guilt of knowing what we should be doing but not being able to do it. This adds to a sense of moral injury as delegates return to their overcommitted NHS jobs.So, how can we apply the amazing work that others present at conferences? For most initiatives it’s not…
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