Opinion: Empathy should guide responses to reported vaccine injuries

As a co-leader of the team at the National Institutes of Health that developed technologies powering a number of Covid-19 vaccines, I often speak publicly about vaccine science, even though I no longer work for the government. After my talks, people often approach me, almost always thanking me for my work. There is no denying the millions of lives that Covid-19 vaccines saved. sometimes, though, they relate stories of vaccine injuries.

I still hold on to the story of one person who approached me in a crowded auditorium following one of my talks, asserting that the Covid-19 vaccine harmed her. She asked me what I was doing to investigate vaccine injury. I replied that the side effects of vaccines, as they emerge in clinical trials, are investigated, and there is continuous monitoring of vaccinated people by the Food and Drug Administration and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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