What do we know about covid-19’s effects on the brain?

What are the neurological symptoms of covid-19?Covid may be primarily a respiratory infection, but a common symptom is “brain fog”—problems with memory or concentration—which can persist for weeks or months as part of long covid.1 And it’s not the only neurological effect.Giovanni Schifitto, professor of neurology at the University of Rochester Medical School in New York, explains that neurological symptoms are widespread. “In the acute phase, common things like lack of smell, changes in taste, increase in headaches, cognitive dysfunction, and strokes have been reported, and there are effects on the peripheral nervous system,” he says.Although these complications are more likely in people with severe covid—a 2021 study found that 80% of people admitted to hospital with covid-19 experienced neurological symptoms2—they can also affect people who experience only mild covid symptoms.3 These neurological symptoms were also found to be more likely in people who were older, male, or white and…
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