Religion and health: complexities and contradictions

We agree with Idler and colleagues’ analysis on the influence of religion on health.1 We believe, however, that the role of religion is much more far-reaching. By virtue of its character building and unifying capacity, religion has the potential to transform people and societies. It empowers individuals to build communities and provides tools for creating just and equitable societies.2The concept of fundamental causality34 explains why the relation between socioeconomic status and health has persisted over time despite changes in diseases, risk factors, and treatments. Technological advances alone are insufficient to combat disease, while social determinants are key factors in health inequities. Yet clinicians and scientists feel powerless to tackle many of the contributing societal problems.The pervasive impacts of greed and materialism on health are evident, whether through poverty, climate change, or pandemics. Applying the spiritual principles of unity and justice is a way to remedy the problems of our society….
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