Physicians say transgender sports bans are a health issue

Almost half of U.S. states have banned or restricted trans youths’ access to gender-affirming puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery — and many of the same states are also targeting trans youths’ participation in sports. Twenty-three states ban trans youths from participating in school sports consistent with their gender identity, with some laws focusing on students from kindergarten through 12th grade and others including, or exclusively applying to, students at the collegiate level.

The bans may have consequences for the health of trans youth, according to a new perspective by a group of pediatric sports medicine physicians and health services researchers published in JAMA Pediatrics. “A large body of research has demonstrated that physically active youths have improved mental health outcomes, greater self-esteem and social supports, increased school retention rates, and lower risks for chronic disease and teenage pregnancy,” the authors write, noting their concern that the bans could contribute to “lasting deterioration of the physical and mental health of this at-risk population.”

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