New and follow-up outpatient appointments are out of date concepts

Oliver challenges the NHS England targets around outpatient appointments.1 He references the work that the Royal College of Physicians is leading with NHS England on building a strategy for outpatient care for the future.2 This work is a true co-production approach involving patients and carers and health and care professionals from all sectors. We have held three clinical summits on the current challenges and opportunities for patients, clinicians and staff, organisations, and systems. This is alongside wider engagement and evidence review. The overarching message is that, although some excellent care is being delivered, many of the fundamental constructs of current services need radical reform. One of these that Oliver highlights is the concept of “new and follow-up” appointments. We think it is more logical to consider care in two main phases—firstly, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning; secondly, treatment delivery, monitoring, and support. Some clinical interactions are undoubtedly of little value…
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