Tom Nolan’s research reviews—31 August 2023

Pred weightHow much should you worry about the effect of weight and blood pressure if prescribing long term low dose glucocorticoids? An analysis of individual data from five randomised controlled trials looked at 1112 people with rheumatoid arthritis who were either taking prednisolone ≤7.5 mg (or equivalent) per day or a control drug. After two years of treatment, those taking prednisolone weighed only 1 kg more than those in the control groups (95% CI 0.4 to 1.8 kg; P<0.001), and there was no difference between groups in mean arterial blood pressure.Ann Intern Med doi:10.7326/M23-0192Dead waitIn the 18th century in the US, dissection after death was seen as a form of supra-capital punishment, and judges were allowed to add dissection to a death sentence. In the 19th century the demand for bodies created a lucrative market leading to various scandals—the body of a senator going missing and being discovered in the... Read Original Article: Tom Nolan’s research reviews—31 August 2023 »