Physical activity could do wonders for the nation’s health

We agree with McNally that urgent and radical solutions are needed for the crisis in social care and the NHS and that the promotion of physical activity is one element that should be part of a comprehensive long term strategy.1 Funding, workforce shortages, and the welfare of staff are other crucial issues that need tackling.2Research studies confirm the wide ranging health benefits of regular physical activity including physical, mental, social, environmental, and societal benefits.345 We are pleased that members of the House of Lords and House of Commons have debated the lack of participation and actions that need to be undertaken.67 But, overall, physical activity is not being prioritised in government policy making.In schools, physical activity is not protected in the curriculum, and in some areas playing fields have been sold off. Local authorities have cut budgets for open spaces and recreation facilities. Swimmers across the UK have lost access…
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