Sara Baxter

bmj;378/sep13_10/o2168/FAF1faSara was the eldest child of Rennie Baxter, a consultant ear, nose, and throat surgeon who worked in Canterbury, and Patty Baxter, who was formerly a nurse at St Mary’s Hospital and, more recently, a charity worker.Sara was interested in English Literature and was well read, but she ultimately followed family tradition, so studied sciences and entered St Mary’s Hospital Medical School in 1981. Her fellow students at St Mary’s described her as: “A wonderful person, full of fun with a larger than life personality; she was unique, with her passion, flamboyance, and deep kindness marking her as a one-off.”Sara undertook house jobs in Kent and at Middlesbrough General Hospital before she started her anaesthetic training in August 1991. She worked in London, Sussex, and the West Midlands. She spent one year at Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia, but she returned to the UK, saying Australia was too sunny and she…
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