Forecasting the mental health harms of overturning Roe v Wade

The US Supreme Court’s decision to eliminate the federal right to abortion means that around half of reproductive age women in the US will soon be living in states without access to abortion, with restrictions disproportionately affecting people of colour1 and other marginalised populations.23 This decision is in direct opposition to international human rights standards, discriminates against pregnant women and people, reinforces stigma about abortion, and has left much of the country in profound disbelief.34In our work as researchers for the Turnaway study5—a five year study looking at the impacts of obtaining or being denied an abortion among nearly 1000 US women—we gained insight into what will happen to people whose reproductive autonomy is stripped away. We found that abortion was not associated with any adverse post-abortion mental health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, suicidal ideation, or substance use disorders.678910People who obtained an abortion described feeling predominantly positive emotions,…
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