STAT Plus: Pharmalittle: Most Americans worry about drug prices, not Medicare for All; FDA remains divided over a drug

Top of the morning to you, and a fine one it is. Our short person has scampered off to the local schoolhouse for a fresh round of testing and our official mascot is happily snoozing in his official snoozing corner. As for us, we are enjoying a few rays of relatively warm sunshine enveloping the Pharmalot campus and, not surprisingly, brewing a few cups of stimulation. Our choice today is the intriguing white chocolate peppermint, for those who follow this sort of thing. Meanwhile, here are some tidbits to stimulate your own neurons. Hope today goes well and you conquer the world.

The debate over creating a single government health plan for all Americans may be dominating the Democratic presidential campaign, but most voters are focused more on prescription drug prices, The Los Angeles Times reports. In one recent poll, two-thirds of Iowa voters identified prescription drug costs as the most significant health care concern, matched only by worries about overall out-of-pocket healthcare costs. Similar sentiment was seen among voters in New Hampshire and South Carolina, whose primaries follow the Iowa caucuses.

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