Common Spinal Problem May Impact Your Lung Health

A study published in the Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, June 23, suggests that preventing or slowing the progression of hyperkyphosis—a condition that causes an extreme forward curvature of the spine—may reduce pulmonary decline in older adults.

Hyperkyphosis (also known as “dowager’s hump”) affects as many as 20 to 40 percent of older adults. “When severe, it can cause pain and fatigue as well as impede breathing by reducing the amount of space in the chest, the mobility of the rib cage, and the expansion of the lungs,” says David Thomas, MD, professor of medicine and rehabilitation medicine at Mount Sinai. Among the 275-strong study population, women with the most severe hyperkyphosis had the greatest declines in lung function—a loss comparable with the amount associated with smoking up to 15 cigarettes per day.

While there are no recognized guidelines for preventing or treating hyperkyphosis, Dr. Thomas says you may be able to avoid it by adopting good posture, and maintaining strength and flexibility in the muscles of your upper back and chest. “When standing, keep your head lined up over your shoulders, and your shoulders lined up with your hips,” he advises. “When sitting, ensure you have enough support behind you to keep your back straight, and avoid hunching.” As to exercise, Dr. Thomas recommends yoga, and the Alexander technique, which focuses on helping you achieve and maintain balance and alignment from your head down. Log onto to find a local teacher.

The bone-thinning disease osteoporosis has been implicated as a possible risk factor for hyperkyphosis. If you have osteoporosis risk factors (which include being over age 65, smoking, taking daily steroids, and/or having a mother who suffered a hip fracture), discuss with your doctor whether you should have a bone density test.  

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